Thursday, September 11, 2014

Don't worry, be happy

Finally talked to my MIA boyfriend. Apparently he's been phoneless and was never ignoring me. In fact, he was wondering why I didn't come over this past weekend like I intended. I explained that it was because I hadn't heard from him. (As a girl, I like to confirm things multiple times.)

Yes, it took 4 days for him to remember he had my emails. But all that matters is that he contacted me. COMMUNICATION = the key to any successful relationship. And we actually had a long talk about everything that's been bothering me. Guess we're still in the honeymoon phase.

Funny how things work out.

Positive thinking brings positive results. All my readers should watch "The Secret" documentary on Netflix ASAP. It'll change your life!

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Saturday, September 6, 2014

End of the Honeymoon

How do couples keep the spark when the honeymoon period is over?

My relationship is officially out of the honeymoon phase. We've been together about 3 months and everything seems like it's falling apart. Of course it's not, but we seem to disagree on more things that usual. I want to go out more, he doesn't. No reason to be discouraged though. It might just mean that each person needs some space.

Or maybe it means some things need to be re-evaluated? My man claims to be saving money yet he continues to spend it frivolously. Yet, he seems to be "too broke" to take me out. Sounds a bit selfish to me. No, I'm not trying to control his money either. All I'm saying is that I would like to go out to eat every now and then. When I expressed my feelings about this matter, he went MIA. I know what my faithful readers are thinking-NOT AGAIN. I doubt that he's disappeared, but clearly he doesn't want to talk about it. Well I have something in store for him whenever he decides he wants to communicate again. Just wait for it. 

I rather not get into it too much though. Apparently I tend to blab my business. I just consider it "sharing." 

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