Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Love, Actually?

I have this app on my phone, AllWomensTalk (don't judge me), and it's like the best thing I ever downloaded. It talks about celebs, beauty, fashion, love, lifestyle, wellness and soo many other topics. They even email me weekly suggestions of articles to read.

The articles come in the form of "7 Ways to Train Your Brain" and "7 Reasons to Move Away From College. Those are actually real articles since I couldn't find a way to describe its format. Feel free to look them up.

Today, I came across an article titled, "17 Signs He is in Love With You." As much as I didn't want to get sucked into it, I did - which tends to happen with this app. The whole thing with just hysterical. Some of the signs included things like ,"He enjoys cuddling with you. He is constantly keeping up eye contact. He wants to spend every moment with you." All I could think about was blah blah blah lol. 

Isn't every relationship different? Are there some guys out there who enjoy cuddling in general? Does it necessarily mean they're in love? Overall, kudos to the app for once again sucking me in and making me BELIEVE.

Don't get me wrong, I love the app, it has interesting articles. However I must pay attention to the validity of the content. 

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