Monday, April 28, 2014

Wine and Me

I've come to realize that I have a very strange relationship with wine.

First of all, I don't consider myself an alcoholic because I do not need to drink every day or even every week. Now don't get me wrong, I like alcohol, but I just don't need the unnecessary calories. Now that I'm in the process of toning up, paying off debts, and saving, I find more reasons to not spend money on it.

However, every now and then (like last night) I get the urge to have a drink. Typically, I'll just buy a cheap bottle of wine and make it last for two weeks. Mainly because, I tend to delay opening it. 

In addition, there are times when I want to buy a bottle of wine, yet I don't because I know I shouldn't be spending the money. So I'll just go to the store, walk up and down the wine aisle, read some descriptions, then make note of wines that I should buy when I have the extra money. 

Interesting relationship right?

On a side note, I've been on a Merlot kick lately...

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